We are located at 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037. Free parking is available for Scripps Research guests in Lot 4, upper lot. From the stop light on North Torrey Pines Road, turn left onto Scripps Clinic S. Driveway. Then, DO NOT turn into the first set of driveways on your right with the parking booth. Instead, turn into the first driveway on your right with no parking gate (look for the “One Way” sign and “Employee Parking Only” – see images below), and then park in the assigned space. If there are no available spaces, please see the security officer in the white truck.

After parking, head to the visitor entrance of The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center for Chemical Sciences. From there, please sign in a the reception desk and call Pam Graham (858-784-9451).
A compus map is linked below: