Granted, BioGPS is a software application, and Moore’s Law is derived from improvements in computer hardware. But inasmuch as Moore’s Law is generally equated with “rapid growth”, we’re happy that BioGPS meets or exceeds it on all the usage metrics we’ve looked at.

And now the details… Every May we prepare a progress report for the good folks at the NIH who help fund the BioGPS effort. As a web application, we clearly look at standard web analytics — page views, visits and visitors. In addition, we can track the growth of BioGPS-specific metrics. These metrics include the number of registered users, the number of registered plugins, the number of people who have registered at least one plugin, and the number of saved gene report layouts.

For all these metrics, we’ve seen robust double- and triple-digit growth over last year’s numbers. We’ve still got a long and exciting road ahead, but we think these results mean that we’re on the right path…

(Agree? Disagree? Let us know!)