Max Nanis

Max Nanis

Research Programmer
Department of Molecular and Experimental Medicine
The Scripps Research Institute
nanis at scripps dot edu


About Me

I’m a computational biologist interested protein structure prediction and ligand docking. I take great pleasure from building and using computational tools and models for biological research. My focus at the Su Lab is composed a range of different and diverse projects. I’m a developer primarily responsible for the programs that connect us with the Gene Wiki project on Wikipedia. Since I joined the lab in June 2012, I’ve contributed to or developed the following projects:

  • ProteinBoxBot: a Wikipedia bot that automatically updates protein infoboxes across the nearly 10,500 gene pages on the Gene Wiki.
  • The Cure: an online gene game to extract player knowledge to help make a more informed genomics-driven predictor for breast cancer prognosis
  • JS Decision Tree Viewer: an simple SVG based decision tree viewer to show a visually intuitive decision tree visualization. Built with D3


  • Hwang T, Pearce I, Nanis M: Socialbots: Voices from the Fronts. interactions  19, 2 (March 2012), 38-45. doi:10.1145/2090150.2090161


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